Garthway West, New Earswick

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Architectural visualisation of Garthway West
Garthway West is a planned housing development in New Earswick, York with 14 affordable homes.
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Architectural visualisation of Garthway West

Area New Earswick

Number of Homes 14 homes

Tenure Type 100% Affordable - 60% Social Rent – 40% Shared Ownership

Scheme Details

We plan to build 14 new and genuinely affordable 2 and 3 bed homes on the Garthway garage courts. New homes will be a split between social rent (8) and shared ownership (6).

Once built, the homes will be accessed from Garthway. Drives and designated courtyard areas provide allocated spaces for resident parking. The homes will be built to a high energy efficiency standard and designed in keeping with existing properties. All homes include private gardens and external storage in the design.

Estimated Completion Ready for occupation in 2023 (dependent on outcome of the planning application).

Project Status 

Planning application deferred.

On 15 August, the City of York Council planning committee decided to defer the application pending further information being provided around a retained boundary hedge.

We are working with the City of York Council to promptly provide any additional information needed to advance this application as quickly as possible.