Your Feedback Matters: Annual Satisfaction Survey

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At JRHT, we want all residents to live in a good home in a nice neighbourhood.  We are always looking at ways to improve our services and by providing feedback it will help us to do this. 

Every year, we carry out an annual satisfaction survey to help us understand how residents feel about us as a landlord. It also enables us to meet the requirement from the Government to report against a set of Tenant Satisfaction Measures. These measures are used to compare how social landlords are performing across the country.

Throughout October, Acuity Research and Practice will be conducting telephone surveys with around 500 residents on our behalf.  Their team is highly experienced in conducting these types of surveys.  There will be a set of agreed questions, and it will only take a few minutes to complete.   

Feedback from the survey will help us make improvements and focus on the things which really matter to residents. 

During the survey, you will not be asked any personal or sensitive information.

The results from last year’s survey and the actions being taken can be viewed on our website - Performance Information: 

This annual survey is one part of the wider work we are doing to understand residents better and the things which matter the most to them.  

During the summer, we ran a campaign called ‘In Your Community'. We knocked on the doors of over 2,150 homes and asked residents about our services and the areas they live in.   

We’ve had many valuable conversations, and we are already addressing urgent concerns raised by residents.   These include ongoing and new repairs and providing additional support and advice to residents. This includes guidance on making homes more accessible, as well as offering money and benefits advice.  
Some of you will have already been contacted, and while it may take some time to address all these concerns, we appreciate your patience as we work through them.  

We will be sharing the feedback from the campaign and what we doing to improve our services in future editions of the JRHT Enews (electronic residents’ newsletter).